Saturday, December 05, 2009
Christmas Time at MOWA
We have had many things going on including Corye and I being out of town for a few weeks in October, to visit family. We left Will here to take care of the property, handle after school, take the youth group on trips, and head up a Halloween movie night. Will said that the van was full of teens for the youth group outting to the "hell house", and he said that everyone had a great time. Will also said that the Haloween movie noght went great and that there were over 50 people in attendance for it. He was able to give a way prizes to everyone and serve lots of yummy food.
After Corey and I got back, we enjoyed a Thanksgiving community meal with around 50 people, including men, women, and children from all over the community. We were able to give away a bunch of door prizes and even some folks were able to take home some food since we had almost to much to fit on the table.
This past week we were blessed by several visitors. Andy Lambert and Larry Doub from Forbush Friends Meeting brought presents for 12 of our After School kids, along with items for our christmas sell. We also had John Carroll and Ken Spivey, along with two other friends bring down gifts for all the rest of our ASP kids and the rest of Christmas re-store. We are so thankful to everyone who sent down items both as gifts for kids and for christmas re-store.
We are also so blessed to have Patsy Cheadle down for the next couple weeks. She is going to be teaching pine needle basket weaving and quilting to anyone willing to learn. So far we have had 6 ladies, four teenagers, one child, and corey, will and myself learning how to make these things. We are having a blast learning how to weave baskets. Patsey also went out to pizza hut with the youth group the other night. We had such a great time, and ended up having to take the van and our car because we had so many people.
Coming up this week, we are looking forward to more basket making with Patsy, and starting quilts with her. We will be having our Christmas re-store sale on Tuesday. We are excited that we will be visiting the jail again this year, on wednesday, to take "Goody bags" including a couple cookies, razor, toothbrush, and a Bible. with this visit we are hoping to also be able to pray with the inmates and possibly see what some of their needs are. We will be having our youth group Christmas party this week to, so that Will can join us since he leaves for home on Friday, pray for no rain so that we can have our bonfire as planned. Then on Saturday we are looking forward to our last Community movie night of the year. We are going to be watching a Christmas movie and having lots of food. The last couple things that we will do before our christmas break is to give out christmas "cheer" to the community folks that live right around us, i believe hot cocoa is going to be it again. And we will be having our ASP christmas party, where all the kids will recieve their gifts that everyone has sent down.
We can hardly believe that the year is almost over as things have flown by so fast. Things have been so busy here, and there is always an activity going on that requires lots of energy and time, but we must be having fun because time has jsut flown by.
We hope that everyone has a fantastic and blessed christmas. We sure do feel blessed already through all your prayers and support of us and the community. We hope that our next blog won't take as long as this one to be posted, but be patient as we are staying busy at this wonderful time of year.
Merry CHRISTmas to everyone <><
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
What Do Doughnuts, Parades, Concerts, And Service Have In Common?
Answer: Youth Group.
Yes, these are just some of the things our youth have been up to the past month. Let me explain a bit. Doughnut sales are going on to raise money to send some of the youth to Tremors (!) this year in December. Several of them have been to Quaker Lake in the summer over the past two years, so it will be interesting to see how they compare that to late December weather - especially if it's below freezing like last year. One of the places where we peddled our glazed edibles was the McIntosh Homecoming parade, which was a lot of fun despite the 92 degree weather (yeah, apparently the temperature can still get over 90 in October). Some of our kids and youth were in the parade, too. Jennifer cleaned up collecting candy and beads.
One thing before I get off this topic - if you've never sold doughnuts on the side of a highway at an intersection, go do it. Right now. Yes, I was like you, expecting that it would be a totally awful experience. Not so. I don't think I can really explain it, but there's something about cars pulling halfway off the highway, dangling money out the window at a red light (or green, in some cases) that gets my adrenaline pumping. Or eyeing people sitting at a red light while they mess with something in their laps, trying to guess whether they're texting on their phone or getting cash out to buy doughnuts - that's awesome, too. Maybe God was giving me some divine inspiration to help me stay positive, I don't know for sure. I do know I'd do it again, though.
Ok, back to the youth happenings. During a Hollywood Stars theme youth meeting, we were able to practice a little philanthropy by stuffing supply baggies for the teachers and staff at McIntosh Elementary School. Forty bags were prepared containing everything from pencils and crayons to staples and paper clips to tissues and stickers. It was good for the youth to see that helping others in need is worthwhile, and indeed, God is pleased by it. The teachers are truly in need, as they have no budget whatsoever for office supplies this year due to budget cuts. And where did all of these supplies come from, you ask? Virtually everything in these bags, plus two big totes full of paper, pencils, and crayons that were given to the school, came from our latest rummage shipment. So if you or your meeting donated school supplies for our ReStore - THANK YOU!!! You have no idea the impact it has made on these teachers and this school. I'm serious, when we delivered them you would have thought we were giving them bags of gold. They and we are deeply appreciative of your generosity.
Finally, Jennifer and Corey took the youth to a Christian concert this past weekend. I believe Hawk Nelson and Skillet were two of the bands there, and all reports were that they had an amazing time.
We will try to keep you updated more frequently from here on out. Thank you always for your thoughts, prayers, and support. God bless,
Hey, Long Time No See!
Hello friends! Sorry to have waited so long between updates - I guess we must have been busy! This is William Allen posting again. For those of you who don't know, I have moved back down to serve as the Director of the After School Program for this school year. I'm really excited and already being challenged by this awesome opportunity and responsibility! Since there is a lot to catch you up on, I'll talk about school in this post and let you know more about other events in a separate update.
At the moment we have right at 25 kids in the After School Program, ranging from preschool age to 5th grade. Though we may not have every kid show up every day, attendance is very stable compared to last year, which is a huge improvement and blessing. A few weeks ago, most of our kids brought in their first quarter report cards, and they were very good overall. We still have improving to do, but they are doing a great job! Another positive accomplishment has been our reconnection with McIntosh Elementary, where most of our kids go to school. Jennifer and Corey were heavily involved with them last year, and I am excited to see that relationship continue to grow! We have had opportunities to talk with the principle, guidance counselor, and some teachers about our program and their students. We are volunteering weekly to help students with reading and plan on being a part of their upcoming special events. Also, we were able to give ALL the teachers and staff supply packets. (More on that later!!!)
I want to share with you quickly a comment made to us last week by a wonderful lady who works in the office at the school, and I don't mean to boast on what we are doing at the center, but rather on what God is doing in the lives of these kids. Here is part of what she said:
"I thank God for you. I really do. These kids that you're working with, it's making a difference. I can see it. And a lot of the ones you work with really need it. So I just thank God for you."
This lady is also the bus driver that drops our kids off every day, so you know she knows what she's talking about! And her comment was directed towards our older kids in youth group, too. Isn't it nice when God lets you know He's present and active in the world around you?
Saturday, September 12, 2009
First... Tony, the best thing for you to do is to email us at . We would love for you and your church group to help out here at the center, there are tons of things that need to be done and can be done at the center and in the community. I have a broucher and some other things that i can send you if you'll email your address and what church your a part of.
Thanks so much for your intrest!!
Things are going great here, we just got back from Yearly Meeting where we presented about the center and hopefully stired up some intrest we also got to spend some really good time with people we hadn't seen in a while. It was so much fun and God was truely at work, the theme was sowing seeds and well in the youth worships as well as the one adult session i attended God was really sowing seeds, and i could feel the Holy Spirit moving pretty strongly. Some of our SOUL staff, along with some young adult helpers, got to perform to of the skits from this summer, the Lifehouse "Everything" skit and the "chains" skit both of which were very powerful.
Here at the center we have no less than 21 kids a day in after school, it's been really awsome having so many kids to play with, teach and love on...their are all doing really well and the older ones are excited about the preschoolers being there, and have been helping us with them everyday after they finish their school work and tutoring.
Be praying for Gwen Headen, John Carroll, and Will Allen as they will be traveling down this monday to deliver Re-Store items and help with a few things and Darlene Pittman will be coming down this week too to spend some time with us... so please be praying for their safe travel and for their time here at the Center.
Thanks for everyone's support and for all the wonderful re-store items and back to school items you have donated, it means so much to us and to the people here in the community... God bless
Thursday, August 20, 2009
School is Back
Right now there are only four staff members including myself and Corey teaching in the after school program but luckily there are two teens that have committed to bring there everyday to help with whatever we need help with and to help me with the 4's class. Little kids are so cute and complicted, you never know what is going to come out of their mouths, cute, wired, and really bad, but mostly cute.
Please be praying for all our families in the community. There has been a lot of sickness going around, strep and flu, and several of our children and elderly have been down for several days now, with this crud. It really affects our programs and being able to be in the schools because when everyone is sick people don't come to things, and programs have to be cancelled. We know folks will get healthy soon enough, we just pray it's before people's lives are really affected.
Last thing, I hope to get a picture of our kids up sometime this week, we got one of them the other day, we had about 16 kids there at the time, i will warn you it's a really cute picture =)
Have a Fantastic Night !!
Sunday, August 09, 2009
More Work Week Pictures and a lil' more

Friday, August 07, 2009
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Also i haven't forgotten about Work Week and VBS Pictures i just have had some unexpected stuff come up and haven't had the chance to sit down and upload any pictures yet...but no fret i will be doing it before school starts or it will never get done, so be looking for them before next week.
Oh and by the way we had our Sanktown ReStore Back To School sale last night and had over 35 families come out for it, so thanks to all those who sent backpacks over the past year, and for those who have or will send money to help support our backpack / school ministry.
Praise God for all the things He has done!!!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The summer
It was a challenge, but wonderfully so, to host our largest group ever for Sports Camp. Sports Camp was a great success with many many kids running around the center playing all the different games. Our first year with volleyball went wonderfully.
Work Camp was amazing, but maybe I say that because I was in charge. No, I really say that because we had wonderful groups that completed some pretty big projects. Two roofing projects, the painting of a house, and the building of a porch. Plus, when some groups finished up they did various things around the center including, but not limited to, cleaning up trash and some yard work. I want to thank everyone for their hard work. We were blessed to see the gratitude of the homeowners and to see how much our work did for them.
As for Vacation Bible School, I didn't understand a thing that went on the whole week!!! Well, for those of you that don't know, I guess that was because I was in Mexico for Bible School. Thats right, I was blessed enough to have the opportunity to go to Mexico this year for their Vacation Bible School and blessed enough to have a crew here in Alabama that had no problems carrying on Vacation Bible School without me. Mexico was wonderful, and I would love to go back sometime.
All in all, the summer was wonderful and I hate that it's over. I hope everyone that came enjoyed themselves and I hope that you truly came face to face with Jesus.
New Pictures - Sports Camp
Posted on the Right side of this page are tons of photos from Sports camp. I will be posting more photos later on today and tomorrow from the other two weeks (work week and VBS week). If you have any photos that you would like to share please send those to me at and i would be glad to post those on here as well.
Please make sure to continue to pray for the center and the upcoming school year along with all the many people who will be involved from the community and from all over the country here at the center over the next year.
Corey and I would like to thank everyone who took part in SOUL 2009, from our amazing staff, the caring and energetic volunteers from NC and Indiana, and all the wonderful helpers from the community and of course all the Kids (155 different children from this area). God has greatly blessed us here this past summer and we pray that those blessings will be continued on and shared back at home.
Keep an eye open for our next post of pictures ..cause you never know who might show up in them.....
Love Jenn and Corey
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Jungle YeAH!!!
So.............. work week was AWESOME!!!!
All four projects we set out to do were completed, and they look totally amazing! We had two different roofing projects: the tin roof, and the shingles. Then there was a painting project and a porch project. The roofing took the longest, but everyone had fun. We got really icky and sweaty every day, especially being so close to the sun on the roofing projects, and it was pretty warm. Lyndsey and I helped work on the house with the shingles. It seamed really high up looking down, but Sterling showed us how short a fall it would be from roof-to-porch just by reaching up and touching the edge. We didn't try jumping off though, just left that to one of the kids who always seamed to drop a broom off the edge several times in a day. I'll have to admit that I wasn't that much better what with setting my hammer down and forgetting the word called....
.... gravity. ^^
It was awesome getting to work up on the roof. I think we had one of the most hard-working, and toughest group a shingle roof ever required. Everyone put in a hundred percent, and it came out looking pretty good. The worry of rain kept us on our toes for the first day or two, but then we started praying to God asking him to hold off the rain until we were done and He did. God's protective hand was on us. Thankfully, no one was seriously injured or hurt throughout the entire time. I could feel God's presence throughout the week: holding back the rain, keeping everyone safe, and also keeping the Mexico and friends disaster teams safe on they're way through Alabama and the MOWA Choctaw Friends Center. Oh yeah. And another thanks that no one up on our roofing project swallowed a nail. ^^ *Bryce.
We had a "wasp-war" with the non-friendly residence at the shingled house. Sadly enough, a group never seamed to die an was always bringing back others. Thomas(2) plural, were the co-directors on the shingle-roof project, and they totally helped us figure out how to do everything. Some of us got to be pretty good at pulling out nails in record time. We tended to leave behind a trail of nails like some roofing graveyard.
So, time has passed. ^^
The groups for JUNGLE VBS arrived Saturday evening. One of the vans was slow. They say it was probably doing 40 all the way down. Sunday, Sterling an Bryce were there to meet the sad fate of "Ol' Betsy". But Bryce and Nate tinkering around with it this afternoon might lead to a working vehicle. They say it only needs a couple of easy parts. The slow van might have a problem similar to "Ol' Betsy", but that would need a little help from all of you. You see, we really need every vehicle we can to pick up and drop off kids. Two are now trying to leave the picture. Any help you can give or send would be incredible right now.
Oh yeah. Everything has to have "JUNGLE" before it. Just to keep us in the spirit of things. Like "Jungle" Someone, or "Jungle" fun, or "Jungle" awesome.^^
Well, its kinda late and I'm going to need all the sleep I can get for tomorrow. Bye!!!!!! Hope you had fun reading.
-Edna (SOUL STAFF 2009)
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Work Projects Moving Along Despite Lightning Storm!!!
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Oh Bama
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Back in NC!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sports Camp Kicks Off!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday Orientation
Hey, everyone. This is Edna. ^_^
So, today was actually the first official day that the NC people finally arrived. The van-loads arrived around 6:45 p.m. We totally ran out and surprised them, lol, but we were put to work carrying bags and such stuff. Whoop, whoop. It was really hot outside today, but we all survived. ^^ So yeah, I was kinda really nervous all day. I'm so glad I didn't even think of some of the things I would be doing or I would have hid under my bed. I lead devotions tonight, and I actually switched my song and had to go play by myself... bad decision. Thankfully, God took control and it didn't totally flop. That's just one of the really cool things about God; He's so amazing at taking something so insignificant and poorly put and turning it into something totally awesome. So we all have group names and such, like family groups. Lol. So totally random even for me. ... There's: Marigold, Teal, Periwinkle, Crimson, Baby-Blue, Indigo, Tickle-me-pink, Lime Green, and Mango. (Which is me! ^^)
The staff performed the "lifehouse everything skit", and it was sooooooo good. So many youth afterwards said they were touched. Others said they'd seen it before, but this one was the best they'd ever seen. ... So cool how God works. But the staff did an awesome job, and i hope it will get put up maybe in the near future. ... lol. I'm pretty happy with my muscle work of flicking the light switch for the fight seen. ^^
It's going to be really cool getting to know all these amazing kids that gave up their summer to come teach a sport camp. ...In 102 F °. ^^ (Insert "whoop, whoop") Lol. It's not that bad though. But seriously, today could not have gone any better than it did. ^^
Keep SOUL 2009 in your prayers, and pray for hearts to be moved and for a fire to be lit in the community here in Alabama. ...
ps. oh yeah. If you feel a need to give, or that God is telling you to contribute something... It's to help pay for an official industrial dishwasher so MOWA Choctaw Friends Center won't have to spend so much on paper plates and such. ^^ I know it'd help out so much, and we'd love!!!!
Well, it's kinda late. 12:41 p.m. But today was awesome, and I'm so excited about what's going to happen for SOUL 2009 - Sports Camp!!!!! WHOOP, WHOOP!!!! ^^ peace out, and goodnight peoples!!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Lyndsey's First Blog!!
This is Lyndsey, well it has been a busy five days here in AL. The entire staff has been working hard at getting ready for the youth groups to come down this summer. Besides preparing devotions and worship for the groups, Bryce and I have been putting together the sports camp for next week. I am really excited to see how it goes, because this is the first time ever that we will have volleyball as one of the sports.
We really appreciate you praying for us and this ministry. Please continue to be praying for God's leading with the devotions, that it will be His words, not ours. Pray for His blessings on the upcoming sports camp. As well as for traveling mercies for the groups coming down.
God bless,
Friday, June 12, 2009
Welcome to SOUL 2009
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
In one Day
You all will no longer have to read only postings from me but will have the chance to read post written by our SOUL staff, hopefully on a daily basis.
We would love to hear back from you as well..your questions and comments...we wanna make this blog as interactive as possible so let us know waht you wanna hear about!
Have a wonderful day... and you should be hearing from a staff member here in a couple days.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
One Week.. Then
The whole community is a buzz, every kid and parent i see out at the store, the mexican resturant, the gas station, wherever we may be is always asking, "when is sports camp? When is VBS? What are we doing this summer?" It is truely a blessing! I have had 50 or so new families ask me about our camps, and they want to tell their friends and family members about it...everyone wants to be here during the summer.
It's really awe inspiring and if we weren't careful it could more than likely make or heads swell, because well , "aren't they coming because of what Corey and I have been doin?" or "Aren't they coming because of what NC Yearly Meeting is doing?" Even writing these ridiculous sentences makes me laugh! I know and Corey knows and i'm sure every single one of you reading this know that it's not because of us or the programs we offer it is however All Ultimately and Completly because of God and who He is and what He does that makes the center the "success" that it is. It is because of Jesus Christ and Hie sacrifice!
This summer is going to be truely exciting and i trust life changing for many people..i mean just for Sports camp week we are expecting 125 kids and 60 particpants from not only our groups from NC and Indiana but from the community as well. Truely exciting, and a tad bit overwhelming, but exciting!
Be praying that every person no matter their reason or stay will come face to face with Jesus, the life changer, the grace giver, the biggest bear hug ever given...Pray for the staff, pray for corey and I, pray for our volunteers, and pray for the community...Then allow God to do what He does and change lives
Last youth group meeting tonight.... Gotta go
Monday, May 25, 2009
Rainy days of May
Its an amzing thing,rain, it is the thing that brings everything life and yet it can cause so much havoc and dismay because it causes plans to be changed and cancelled and for things, like my cactus, to become slimmy and die.
It is not that i am ungreatful for this wet source of life ,because i am, it's just not my favorite thing to have to deal with when there are so many things that need to be done outside, like finishing a flower bed, mowing and triming trees and on the computer, when it rains we have no internet. Friday at the May Day event at McIntosh Elem. it was a tiny bit anoying that i had to stand out in the rain taking up wet tickets from wet kids who wanted slide and bouce on wet inflatables. As most know who have been down here, right after the rain it gets sticky and humid and is just not a lot of fun.
When i think about water and rain i also think about what water means to Christians. I think about the woman at the well who was asked for water by Jesus who then offered her living water. I think about when one of the blind men that jesus healed, was healed by Christ use of water, His spit, and dirt to rub on his eyes. I think about the first miracle that jesus ever performed, turning water into wine. And i think about the first baptism, when jesus was baptized by john the baptist. Also, i think about the Mexico teams theme this year,"Rain", which seems very apporiate after the past couple years and their constant struggle to stay head of the rain and the water.
Water is a beautiful thing, it is a biblical thing, and it can be a dangerous and mysterious thing... what is water to you? What feelings and emotions does it bring rushing up in you?
I pray that God shower down upon you grace and love and that through His outpouring that you may water the nations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Happy May!
Sorry that i haven't written in a while, but i haven't had time. Corey and i went to NC to help with intern training and to be at a board meeting, and to see our families. We have also been trying to get a lot of things done around here while we still have the chance before summer starts, and before the tropic downpour hits us tonight.
We have been having a great time the past few weeks including youth group last night in our house, messy, noisey and i have to admit a crowded with 14 kids plus us, but totally worth it! It was cozy to and we really had a lot of fun, especially when we played our game and watched the end of American Idol and everyone got into it. We also did Bible study, don't worry we always do! We watched the Flyleaf video of "All Around Me" and talked about the woman who washed Jesus's feet with her tears and hair and how she came before Him just as she was broken and open and how she left a different person. It was a really great study!
It was really cool when the after school program helped us out yesterday by making their community project for this month cleaning up the flower beds here at the center and then learning about the being one of the four soils from Matthew 13.
Just a side note into our life...
Corey is out mowing the yard today, again before the topic downpour comes rushing in tonight, and sticks around for the next 6 days...crazy weather! So i am in the house trying to catch up on internet stuff, mainly posting on here.. and getting keys sorted for our staff this summer...etc, etc... Fun stuff to read about, huh?!
Ok and..
We are excited that school is almost out, just five more days left, and that summer programs are fast approaching..which the kids keep asking us about every day, they say, "when is camp..who is coming... is so and so coming... our we going to do this or are we going to do that?" The kids here look forward to summer programming all year round!
I never know exactly what to write on here... i feel like our life is pretty boaring and normal and that the happenings here at the center are just common now... so i'm sorry if i bore you but i feel like it is important for me to write and to at least tell you about some of the small things happening around here. If there are things that you would like to read about just let me know... or ask me a question and i would be glad to answer it.
Please keep us and our community in your prayers... have a great fantastic day!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Easter Things and Prayer Request
We also enjoyed hosting a community Easter egg hunt and party for the whole community and had right between 40 and 50 children and adults come, not to bad for our first one. We had a lot of fun, and over loaded on sugar, and took time to remember the reason for Easter by reading "The Three Trees", a great story about allowing God to use you no matter waht your plans for your life might be.
We also, just this past saturday night had a community meal and Bingo night and had a little over 20 folks show up. We had a Big Ham, and lots of fixing, provided by the people in the community, and everyone loved playing Bingo for some fun prizes.
Please be praying for...
The families here in the community several of them are going through some rough stuff,within the family, and some of it involves legal matters.
Our SOUL summer staff, Will Allen, Bryce Kincaid, Sterling Brown, Callie Eller, Lyndsey Wall, Edna Stuart, and Katie Brintle, that they will stay safe, and that they will be able to plan things out for this summer with wisdom and the leading of the Holy Spirit. And for the groups that are planning on bringing groups down for a week of SOUL.
Thanks to everyone who reads this blog... and keeps us in their prayers.
Monday, April 06, 2009
Basketball Tournament
The center held its fourth Basketball Tournament that past Saturday. We had around 14 teams with all but a few having four players on the team.
The youth group helped with keeping time, score, and with the food sells. We did pretty well as far as selling food goes, and everyone seemed to enjoy the nachos, hot dogs, pickles, popcorn, and assorted candy and chips.
The winners of this tournament were by far the oldest winners, and their team name appropriately being "Old Skool".
Also please being praying about some of our upcoming activities like.....
Our community Easter Egg Hunt and Party this saturday. We have invited every church in the area and everyone in the community. It should be a lot of fun....
We also have our BIG Benefit Dinner coming up on May 9. We are asking for folks in the community who are involved with the center to donate a side dish, dessert or drinks to go with our BBQ Chicken, and things are looking good right now.
Things are going well and God is really blessing us here, we have really had to trust on Him the last week, it has been hard... but it has been a wonderful and exciting time.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Back in Bama =)
The trip was wonderful we had the chance to speak with seven meetings either in a forum or coffeehouse style and both Corey and I feel as though all of our engagments were beneficial to the ministry here at Choctaw. God seemed to be right by our side, step by step and even blessed us through words or other wise just when we needed it. We also met the nicest people with the most graceful hearts that not only fed us but welcomed us into their homes.
Returning home has almost seemed odd, getting back into a regular routine has suprisingly come easy and i must admit, it has been easier getting up since we gained an hour coming back. We have many great things coming up like the basketball tournament, and an end of year Fiesta for the whole community... and for the first time in many many years the center is hosting a community/church wide Easter Egg Hunt which with the Lords help will go off without a hitch and will bring people and churches together in a way that again has not happened in many many years.
Corey and i feel so blessed to be here... and after one year it still seems like we are exactly right where God wants us to be. I must admit there are days when i want the comfort of my parents arms, and the knowing that if something happens to a family memeber that we are only a hour to two hours away... but i also know that God has great amazing plans for the center and for us and that He is my comfort and my strength and that He is taking care of our families in a way that, even if we lived in the same house, Corey and and I could not.
I have been reading Seth Hinshaw's "the spoken ministry among Friends" and through this reading i have come to learn that early Quaker ministers often dreaded going on trips because of missing their families but that they knew that they had to still go, that the power of the Holy Spirit would not rest if they didn't go and most importantly they knew that they must go because of the love of Christ, they wanted to go and spread the word of the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ.
Corey and I both want to thank everyone for everything they offered us on our trip and God for His unfailing love and protection.
May God's Grace and Love find you wherever you may be
Monday, March 02, 2009
Prayers answered and NC speaking schedule
First we have been praying for a way to fix the old brown truck, which has had a problem with the transmission, and just last week one of our neighbors came by and talked to corey about having two transmissions and only one truck and wanted to know if we would take the other one, and if he could help put it in. How great is that, he just gave it to us and wants to help fix it.
The second thing is that we have been trying to raise funds for the the kids going to camp, throughout the community and beyond and have been asking and praying for a game system that we could use at a fundraiser dinner we are going to have in May. Yesterday Corey found an Xbox 360 elite and a Wii on Craig's List, with games and sticks, and whatnot. Well it just so happened that both the folks still had the systems for a very very low price and since we were using them for a good cause they called us first, so we got both systems to use at our dinner.
God works in His own time, even though it is hard to wait... but once God does answer you're prayers it is so much better than if you had rushed ahead of Him and done your own thing. I just praise God for His faithfulness and for answering some of our needs.
Oh and in case you didn't know Corey and I are going to be in NC March 5-23 so i might not be able to write on here, hopefully i will get too but no promises. We are going to be speaking at several Meetings which includes:
Forbush Friends -March 8 @ 10:30AM;
Asheboro Friends -March 8 @ 6:30 PM;
Spring Friends - March 10 @ 6:30 PM;
Hollyspring Friends- March 11 @6:30 PM;
Poplar Ridge-March 15 @ 8:30AM; and
High Point Friends -March 15 @ 11:00AM
(Hope to see you at one of these Meetings)
Friday, February 27, 2009
Sad news

For those of you who know the community well, i am sad to tell you that Unis (Momma Tadd) Weaver passed away this past tuesday evening from internal bleeding in her stomach. Momma Tadd was a warm, tell you like it is type of person. She had a great sense of humor and always was willing to give great hugs. The comfort that her friends and family have is that she is with the Lord as she was a christian and a regular church atteneder.
Please hold her family and love ones close to your heart and in your prayers.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Winter Jam 09
We waited in line for like an hour, got seats on the third level, BEHIND the stage, and spent an hour taking pictures and having things, All kinda Things, signed by the artist after the concert.
We jumped around and sang, and laughed - it was just a lot of fun! Maybe one of the best things we have done as a youth group since Corey and I have been here, and best of all, out of the five girls, four of them accepted Jesus, thanks to Tony Nolan.
We hape everyone has a great weekend and Happy Mardi Gras!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Good News From NC
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Valentine's Dinner and Bingo
Everyone seemed to have a great time, most of all with the Bingo. When the BINGO cards came out people geared up for a serious game, some folks even moved to another seat so they had room to play. It was so funny watching peoples faces when they were just one number away from winning, and the teenage boys were hularious when they won, they sounded like little girls.
It was a lot of funny, and even Corey and I won a prize each. The prizes were stuffed animals and mugs stuffed with candy out of rummage, or course they all had the "love" theme going on.
It was a fun night, and more or less none stressful except when i spilt some grounds of coffee and steaming hot water on me and the floor, oh well later on i'm sure i'll look back and laugh, you know after the burns go away, just kidding i didn't get burned but it did sting a little.
Keep on praying for us, and if you're ever curious about anything or want me to write about something specific just let me know and i'll be glad to.
<>< Happy Valentine's Day
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Another week
We are gearing up for a Valentine's dinner and bingo night this saturday and we are right in the middle of selling krispy kreme doughnuts.
Everyone is doing well here and the weather is actually starting to warm up, it won't be long before it's 90 degrees here.
Please continue praying for Corey and I and for the ministry here and have a great day.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
All Better
Exciting news from Will is that he may be able to go and speak to meetings in Indiana sometime in the month of February. I think it's great that if he can't be here at least he can be sent out to speak about his time here. We do miss him, and Emily alot but we know that the real fight right now is getting the support we need on a monthly basis to continue the ministry here. Unfortunatly funding has to happen and be fluid in order for the center to florish and grow. Oh God can use anything and will move through anybody. And God for sure is using what He has but think about what more HE could do through us if we had enough funding to start our emergency relief back, or could feel free to give freely to those who needed it. I am not saying that we are not doing anything here or that we are not giving, because as those who have been down here can tell you there is more going on here, more giving, then there is time for in the day, sometimes.
I only mention this to mention how important it is that Will is going to be speaking for the center, and how important, if you have been down here, for YOU to speak about the center every chance you get. Corey and I are going to be up the first of March and would love to speak to any group or church, or organzation that will have us.
Keep praying for the work here. Pray for the monthly donations to continue coming and growing. And keep praying for intrest for the center to explode beyond NC Quakers, and Quakers altogether.
Much love <><
Friday, January 16, 2009
Sorry a ton,
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The past couple weeks have been good ones, we got to spend more time with the community, and started back to school with a few new students, and Sarah, Mary Ashley, Heather and Will were here doing a fantastic job. So much love was shared and i feel like God is really moving here. I can't tell you how much the work and the group bonding meant to us with the young adult group here. They were a small group but ya know sometimes that is when the most good is done. There is no way we could have gone into people's homes with a larger group, it would have been crowded, and maybe uncomfortable, but with the group we had it seemed just right and you could feel the power of God's love really bringing things together.
I that everything i have written so far seems "mushy" but it is where my heart is this morning.
Please be praying for our youth group kids. A few of them are really outwardly struggling with their faith, and they are sitting on the harsh fence of to "believe/or not believe in Jesus". I just pray that God speeks through Corey and I and that they see not us but a loving and caring Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Please also be praying for some of the upcoming fundraisers and activities that we have coming up at the center.
Enjoy the new pictures i posted of the UNCG group and the youth group!!!
Thursday, January 08, 2009
BAMA Bound!
So this is my first time visiting the MOWA Choctaw Friends Center and I had a blast. Some of our group from our UNCG campus ministry came down for the week. We had tons of laughs and worked hard the entire week. It was really cool because we were able to meet all kinds of people who live in the community and use the center. Tuesday the kids went back to school so we were able to help the kids in the after school program each day we were here. We would start after school out with a little devotion and a fun game for the kids to play then they would go to their classrooms and work on their homework. On Wednesday we went to the homes of a lot of the elderly women in the community we took them coffee and just sat down and talked with each of them. Wednesday night we were able to do youth group for the middle and high school aged kids in the community. They were so much fun at youth we played games then did a lesson and then we all ate dinner together. On Thursday we were able to visit the elementary school that most of our after school program kids attend. When we were walking down the halls of the school and saw some of the children their faces lit up they were so excited to see us.
This week we not only meet the community but we also did some projects around the center. We painted a room in the school and then fixed up the bulletin boards and put the room back together. We also worked on a secret project for Jennifer and Corey in the lodge! We fixed up the bathroom upstairs. It looks so GOOD! This was a great week and this ministry is doing great things down here in Sanktown! Can't wait to return!
Heather Harris
A New Year, A New Trailer
Monday, January 05, 2009
Happy New Year from Alabama
Corey and I had a great christmas and a very relaxing new year down here in Sanktown. We hope that all of you out there did as well and that you took time to embrace the meaning of Christmas.
We are so pleased to have a group from UNCG down (Sarah, Heather and Mary Ashley) along with one of our past interns (Will). We love having them down and hope that they get a lot out of being here.
Corey and Will got the big room in the school ready to paint, before christmas, and the group from UNCG hit the ground running by getting the first coat on Saturday, and are working on the second coat today. They are such hard workers!
On Saturday before they started painting we all went up to Home Gospel Church and served food for the benefit luncheon for Ms. Whitehead (which by the way, they raised enough for the guy to go ahead and start preparing the land for the new trailor today) and had a great time serving together and greeting the community in their out pouring of love for Ms. Whitehead. Please continue to pray for Ms. Whitehead and her family during this time of transition.
Well this is the last you will hear from me this week because the girls that are down, and Will are suppose to be posting here on the blog while they are here. This is going to be a new tradition, hearing from the people and groups that come down and getting their point of view, hopefully all good (=
So until next week <><