Tuesday, January 20, 2009

All Better

Thanks alot Will for fixing the website back to normal for me. It looks much better this way.

Exciting news from Will is that he may be able to go and speak to meetings in Indiana sometime in the month of February. I think it's great that if he can't be here at least he can be sent out to speak about his time here. We do miss him, and Emily alot but we know that the real fight right now is getting the support we need on a monthly basis to continue the ministry here. Unfortunatly funding has to happen and be fluid in order for the center to florish and grow. Oh God can use anything and will move through anybody. And God for sure is using what He has but think about what more HE could do through us if we had enough funding to start our emergency relief back, or could feel free to give freely to those who needed it. I am not saying that we are not doing anything here or that we are not giving, because as those who have been down here can tell you there is more going on here, more giving, then there is time for in the day, sometimes.

I only mention this to mention how important it is that Will is going to be speaking for the center, and how important, if you have been down here, for YOU to speak about the center every chance you get. Corey and I are going to be up the first of March and would love to speak to any group or church, or organzation that will have us.

Keep praying for the work here. Pray for the monthly donations to continue coming and growing. And keep praying for intrest for the center to explode beyond NC Quakers, and Quakers altogether.
Much love <><

1 comment:

  1. Just for clarification: "Indian" means Indiana, not India... Haha, I'm sorry Jenn, I just found that hilarious!

    Emily, by the way, may be appearing at Nigeria Falls sometime soon...
