Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happy May!

Happy May and...

Sorry that i haven't written in a while, but i haven't had time. Corey and i went to NC to help with intern training and to be at a board meeting, and to see our families. We have also been trying to get a lot of things done around here while we still have the chance before summer starts, and before the tropic downpour hits us tonight.

We have been having a great time the past few weeks including youth group last night in our house, messy, noisey and i have to admit a crowded with 14 kids plus us, but totally worth it! It was cozy to and we really had a lot of fun, especially when we played our game and watched the end of American Idol and everyone got into it. We also did Bible study, don't worry we always do! We watched the Flyleaf video of "All Around Me" and talked about the woman who washed Jesus's feet with her tears and hair and how she came before Him just as she was broken and open and how she left a different person. It was a really great study!


It was really cool when the after school program helped us out yesterday by making their community project for this month cleaning up the flower beds here at the center and then learning about the being one of the four soils from Matthew 13.

Just a side note into our life...

Corey is out mowing the yard today, again before the topic downpour comes rushing in tonight, and sticks around for the next 6 days...crazy weather! So i am in the house trying to catch up on internet stuff, mainly posting on here.. and getting keys sorted for our staff this summer...etc, etc... Fun stuff to read about, huh?!

Ok and..

We are excited that school is almost out, just five more days left, and that summer programs are fast approaching..which the kids keep asking us about every day, they say, "when is camp..who is coming... is so and so coming... our we going to do this or are we going to do that?" The kids here look forward to summer programming all year round!

I never know exactly what to write on here... i feel like our life is pretty boaring and normal and that the happenings here at the center are just common now... so i'm sorry if i bore you but i feel like it is important for me to write and to at least tell you about some of the small things happening around here. If there are things that you would like to read about just let me know... or ask me a question and i would be glad to answer it.

Please keep us and our community in your prayers... have a great fantastic day!!

1 comment:

  1. Joyce HollingsworthJune 25, 2009 at 9:08 PM

    Again I am thankful for your being called to work with my beloved "neighbors" I know the children are different from the ones I worked with ,but the needs are probably not much different.I am interested in it all, but could you email me a note I could share with Western Yearly Meeting?
    Joyce Hollingsworth
