Monday, May 25, 2009

Rainy days of May

Well i can't remember a single time in my life where i have seen it rain 5 days back to back, knowing that the rain is suppose to stick around for another 4 days.
Its an amzing thing,rain, it is the thing that brings everything life and yet it can cause so much havoc and dismay because it causes plans to be changed and cancelled and for things, like my cactus, to become slimmy and die.
It is not that i am ungreatful for this wet source of life ,because i am, it's just not my favorite thing to have to deal with when there are so many things that need to be done outside, like finishing a flower bed, mowing and triming trees and on the computer, when it rains we have no internet. Friday at the May Day event at McIntosh Elem. it was a tiny bit anoying that i had to stand out in the rain taking up wet tickets from wet kids who wanted slide and bouce on wet inflatables. As most know who have been down here, right after the rain it gets sticky and humid and is just not a lot of fun.

When i think about water and rain i also think about what water means to Christians. I think about the woman at the well who was asked for water by Jesus who then offered her living water. I think about when one of the blind men that jesus healed, was healed by Christ use of water, His spit, and dirt to rub on his eyes. I think about the first miracle that jesus ever performed, turning water into wine. And i think about the first baptism, when jesus was baptized by john the baptist. Also, i think about the Mexico teams theme this year,"Rain", which seems very apporiate after the past couple years and their constant struggle to stay head of the rain and the water.

Water is a beautiful thing, it is a biblical thing, and it can be a dangerous and mysterious thing... what is water to you? What feelings and emotions does it bring rushing up in you?

I pray that God shower down upon you grace and love and that through His outpouring that you may water the nations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's a lot of water. Your post reminded me of a Jars of Clay song (I Need You). Part of the lyrics are: "You are the shelter from the rain, and the rain to wash me away."

    I think back to two summers ago when we had that period of drought in NC, and how so many people were praying for rain. This spring it has rained soo much in comparison. I'm sitting outside right now and everything is so green. Truly a blessing.

    It is awesome to know that we have a God who knows our every need in an intimate way. Sometimes we do need him to be the shelter from the storms in our lives. Sometimes, we need to be washed away, swept up off our feet so that we'll realize we're not where we should be. I guess that's why we can praise Him through it all :)

