Sunday, June 21, 2009

Saturday Orientation

Wow. Today went by so fast, and yet it seamed that it would never end.
Hey, everyone. This is Edna. ^_^

So, today was actually the first official day that the NC people finally arrived. The van-loads arrived around 6:45 p.m. We totally ran out and surprised them, lol, but we were put to work carrying bags and such stuff. Whoop, whoop. It was really hot outside today, but we all survived. ^^ So yeah, I was kinda really nervous all day. I'm so glad I didn't even think of some of the things I would be doing or I would have hid under my bed. I lead devotions tonight, and I actually switched my song and had to go play by myself... bad decision. Thankfully, God took control and it didn't totally flop. That's just one of the really cool things about God; He's so amazing at taking something so insignificant and poorly put and turning it into something totally awesome. So we all have group names and such, like family groups. Lol. So totally random even for me. ... There's: Marigold, Teal, Periwinkle, Crimson, Baby-Blue, Indigo, Tickle-me-pink, Lime Green, and Mango. (Which is me! ^^)

The staff performed the "lifehouse everything skit", and it was sooooooo good. So many youth afterwards said they were touched. Others said they'd seen it before, but this one was the best they'd ever seen. ... So cool how God works. But the staff did an awesome job, and i hope it will get put up maybe in the near future. ... lol. I'm pretty happy with my muscle work of flicking the light switch for the fight seen. ^^

It's going to be really cool getting to know all these amazing kids that gave up their summer to come teach a sport camp. ...In 102 F °. ^^ (Insert "whoop, whoop") Lol. It's not that bad though. But seriously, today could not have gone any better than it did. ^^

Keep SOUL 2009 in your prayers, and pray for hearts to be moved and for a fire to be lit in the community here in Alabama. ...

ps. oh yeah. If you feel a need to give, or that God is telling you to contribute something... It's to help pay for an official industrial dishwasher so MOWA Choctaw Friends Center won't have to spend so much on paper plates and such. ^^ I know it'd help out so much, and we'd love!!!!

Well, it's kinda late. 12:41 p.m. But today was awesome, and I'm so excited about what's going to happen for SOUL 2009 - Sports Camp!!!!! WHOOP, WHOOP!!!! ^^ peace out, and goodnight peoples!!!

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