For those of you who know the community well, i am sad to tell you that Unis (Momma Tadd) Weaver passed away this past tuesday evening from internal bleeding in her stomach. Momma Tadd was a warm, tell you like it is type of person. She had a great sense of humor and always was willing to give great hugs. The comfort that her friends and family have is that she is with the Lord as she was a christian and a regular church atteneder.
Please hold her family and love ones close to your heart and in your prayers.
That is sad news. Darrin called me before I got your message, and it really hit me hard, so sudden and unexpected. I am glad to know Momma Tad's suffering is over, and I'll be praying for Janie and her family, and Minnie as well - I know this has to be hard for her. And David will need prayer as well - Momma Tad was probably one of his few positive influences in life, small as it may have been.