Thursday, November 06, 2008

We're Back... In School!

I don't know how many of you are aware of this, but the Friends Center has been making a concerted effort to build a connection with McIntosh Elementary School. Most of the kids we have in the After School Program go to this school, so it's great to have relationships with their teachers, counselors, principle, and fellow students. We have tried to support them in different ways, such as donating backpacks to students who need them and volunteering during special events like their fruit festival and their upcoming book fair.

But probably the biggest outreach effort has been to volunteer as assistants during normal school days. Jennifer, Emily, and Merryn have been volunteering at least once a week for over a month now, and I know that it has made a difference in lots of lives. It is so cool to see our kids get off the bus for after school and say things like, "Ms. Jennifer, I saw you at my school today!" The teachers receive a big blessing as well when they have someone else in class to help kids that are struggling. Simply being around people can show them that you care about them.

Last week, I had the opportunity to go along with the girls for the first time. We arrived just as lunch was winding down, and I was placed in a fourth grade class. The teacher told me that they were working on math just before lunch and that I could help some of them that were having a hard time with it. So I figured that I'd take a few of them to the side and work with them while she continued on with the rest of the class. Well, that's not exactly what happened. We walked into class, and she said, "Here's my book. You can use the projector or the whiteboard or whatever you need. Now class, pay attention to him." And she sat down at her desk. So, to my complete surprise and amazement, I proceed to teach math for the next hour and a half! It was a fun experience, but I must be careful to thank God for getting me through it without any problems or severe anxiety.

Looking back, I really believe that it was important for me to be there, not because I'm effective at teaching or work well with kids, but because I'm male. I know that in the community we're in, male involvement in family life isn't exactly stellar. And at that school, I haven't once seen a male teacher, administrator, or any other staff. Jennifer may know more about this than I, but I don't know if any of those kids have ever seen a male authority figure at school. So maybe it was a big deal that I stood up in front of a class of fourth graders.

Pray for the schools down in Washington County, Alabama. I think the girls would agree that the term "our kids" is changing from "the ones who show up around the center" to "all the kids we see at school each week." Corey is volunteering today, as I type, and I hope that at least one of us can make it out with the girls each week. We trust that God takes our small gifts and turns them into big blessings!



  1. Will, This post melted my heart! I can just picture the scene and it makes me smile! Children with absent male role models crave male attention and I love to hear when it's positive! Thank you all for having hearts for those kids! You all are doing beautiful things down there!
    Love and prayers from your newest cousin-in-law!
    PS When you get back, we could use some positive male role models at my school. Hehe. Just kidding.

  2. i have to say you guys are doing a great job i wish i could be down their with you but God needs me here at home for my church rigth now. I hope everything is doing well. I love you guys i turely wish i was down their. lol

    God bess
