Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Yes, we're still here...

Hello friends! Sorry for the lack of activity over the past few months. There has been a lot going on! I hope that I will be able to catch you up on some of the things we have been up to recently, but first things first.

THANK YOU JENNIFER AND COREY!!! The directors of the center over the past two years have completed their calling here and have moved back to North Carolina. I could try to tell you all how much they mean to this community and how much they have accomplished, but my words would fall way too short. Take a look at all of the posts on this blog to catch a glimpse of their impact. We miss you both so much!

We have had a lot of visitors in 2010, including Montreat College just last week, but I will save them for their own post and tell you about a few other individuals.

Pat Cheadle has been down with us multiple times, teaching pine needle basket weaving and quilting classes. All of the people that meet and talk with her absolutely love her - that goes for us, too! She has made an amazing impact on a lot of people, but especially some of the ladies near the center. They even forced her to do a Bible study with them one day last week so that they could see her one more time before she left for home! Thank you Pat, your willing and gentle spirit is welcome with us any time (and your cooking too!).

Anne Humes from Pennsylvania visited in January and February during her annual trek south to Alabama. She did crafts with our kids in the After School Program, which they loved, and she also joined us for a community meal. Her commitment to this center is amazing - she has been down every winter since the mid-1980s! Thank you so much Anne for your dedication!

Finally, Dale and Janet Smith came for a visit in early March to help us paint the inside of the director's house. They are very close friends with our interns Sterling and Bryce, and I know they loved having them down with us, as did I. They were such great and talented workers and painters that they pretty much finished the house in one day. Thanks Dale and Janet for your generosity and friendship - we had a great time with you!

Lots of other things have been happening in the midst of all our visitors, but hopefully this will satisfy some of you that have been calling for updates! Thank you for your interest and support in this ministry and community. It is challenging for us right now without our fearless leaders Jennifer and Corey, but God is still working in awesome ways in and through the lives of the people here. We are enjoying the opportunity to be a part of it!


  1. Will - this post made me tear up. We miss you all so much and the community.
    I'm so disapointed that we missed out on the awsome blessing you all have gotten over the past few weeks. Sounds like God has really been working!
    We love you guys and hope that you have a great Easter. Let us know if there is any projects that need to be done of anything else we can do.
    Happy Easter and God Bless,

  2. Will, Bryce and Sterling,
    Call us anytime you need us. We love the work you are doing, the Center and the kids. But most of all, I love the way you are sharing the love of Jesus in your every day lives. I am praying for you all. Hope to see you soon.

    Janet (JMama)
