We had a great time this past Saturday night at our valentine's dinner and bingo night. We had about 12 or so folks in attendance and enjoyed a "romantic" meal of Lasagna and whatever everybody else brought, oh and there was this homemade chocolate cake that was just SO good.
Everyone seemed to have a great time, most of all with the Bingo. When the BINGO cards came out people geared up for a serious game, some folks even moved to another seat so they had room to play. It was so funny watching peoples faces when they were just one number away from winning, and the teenage boys were hularious when they won, they sounded like little girls.
It was a lot of funny, and even Corey and I won a prize each. The prizes were stuffed animals and mugs stuffed with candy out of rummage, or course they all had the "love" theme going on.
It was a fun night, and more or less none stressful except when i spilt some grounds of coffee and steaming hot water on me and the floor, oh well later on i'm sure i'll look back and laugh, you know after the burns go away, just kidding i didn't get burned but it did sting a little.
Keep on praying for us, and if you're ever curious about anything or want me to write about something specific just let me know and i'll be glad to.
<>< Happy Valentine's Day