Saturday, September 13, 2008

Love Is In The Air

Hey, so don't worry, there will be some interesting updates coming soon, but before we get there, I'd like to expound on a situation we've been dealing with for about two weeks now. Most of you know that we have plenty of bugs to play with down in Sanktown: fire ants, wasps, horseflies, scarlet ants, hundreds of species of spiders, mosquitoes, etc. But we've been introduced to a new kind of critter recently. And its name is love bug.

Why is it named love bug? Well, this particular bug has been in mating season for awhile, and as a result, they have been flying around stuck together in pairs. The bigger female drags the male around behind her, and he flaps his wings when they're airborne and walks backwards when they land. Now this doesn't really sound too bad, especially when you compare them with the other nasties that bite, sting, or suck your blood. The problem isn't what they do, it's all in the numbers. Because there are hundreds and hundreds of pairs. Per building. Per vehicle. Sometimes per doorway. Literally. And when you have to work outside, or walk outside in certain areas, they cover you. Just ask Emily. Her front doorway has been black for over a week.

So we've made a few adjustments this past week, like having snack time with the after school kids inside instead of out on the porch, and we're beginning to sweep up the dead carcasses in the lodge, which they've invaded. But all in all, I don't mind them too awful much. I mean, if we have to endure a plague, I don't mind it being a plague of love. In fact, that may be something we'd all benefit from.

"I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love..."
Hosea 11:4

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